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Year Plan




Our theme in Spring Semester, “Integration”, is to promote equality in the society. As we believe that everyone is imperfect and we have to integrate those who are imperfect into this community, we want to work towards the elimination of discrimination around campus. Those events in the Spring semester, like “Shelter You”, aims to bridge the university and needy.


















In Fall Semester, the theme will be “Poverty”. In Hong Kong, the wealth gap is very large and it becomes one of the serious problems in the society. Through the events in Fall Semester, such as “20 hour Famine”, it helps to raise awareness of poverty in the campus. We hope that after these events, we can arouse the empathy of students in HKUST to those who are poor and in need.





E-Journal provides an online platform for people to know more about the elected cabinet, our mission and the annual work plan.


Members’ Gathering: The ABLEs

Through games and meals, it is hoped that the message of integration of physically handicapped group and able-bodied people can be spread.

Shelter You

Through interacting with the handicapped persons in the centers, participants can know more about the patients and embrace social integration.


Charity Sale

Charity Sale is a event raising fund for needy. This year, we are planning to raise fund for the people living in drought area in China.



Collection of Reusable Items 1

The Society will help FMO to collect reusable items every morning in a certain week from staff quarters and all items will be donated to the needy.


Service Trip: Mongolia

By joining the trip to Mongolia, participants can have chance to experience the slow-pace of living and simple lifestyle, which is a great contrast to their daily living in the modern city.


Orientation Camp: The Sims

Orientation camp is a valuable opportunity for freshmen to get familiar with the environment in HKUST, which is a new place to them.


Orientation Week

Orientation week is a period of time for the Society to recruit new members and Sub-Com members.

Share Mooncake, Sparkle Love

We will set up mooncake collection boxes in the campus so that not only can we help the needy, but also arouse the social consciousness of HKUST students.


Orientation Night: Gap Gap Gap

Freshmen and members can experience the wealth gap through playing games and having the Hunger Meal. These can raise their concern about poverty problem in the community.



Core Projects

Participants are required to form voluntary groups in order to organize their service events.

1: South Asian children

2: Psychiatric rehabilitants

3: Solitary elderly

4: Chronic disease patients

5: Autistic people

20 Hour Famine

It provides a chance for participants to experience the daily lives of children in the third world. It is hoped that the participants can experience and understand more about the needy in the third world so that they can spread their love and care to more people.



Shall We Walk

Shall We Walk provides a chance to our participants to go hiking with visually impaired.

Leftover? Never!

The project is mainly divided into 3 parts, which are food collection, food distribution and educational campaign. It is hoped that hunger and poverty problems can be relieved in Hong Kong in the long run.



Collection of Reusable Items 2

The Society will help FMO to collect reusable items every morning in a certain week from staff quarters and all items will be donated to the needy.



Annual Journal

The Annual Journal includes a summary of all activities we held in the year so as to recall the memory of the members and to promote the Society.

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